Eleanor Pullenayegum Bio

Eleanor Pullenayegum



Dr. Eleanor Pullenayegum is a Senior Scientist in the Child Health Evaluative Sciences Program at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and an Associate Professor in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. She is recipient of the CIHR New Investigator Award (2012-2017). She completed a BA and Master’s both in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge. She received her PhD in Biostatistics at the University of Toronto and completed post-doctoral training at the University of Waterloo.


Dr. Pullenayegum is a Co-Applicant on the grant. Given her interest in statistical methods in health economics and methods for longitudinal data, she will contribute to research activities in clinical science and health services research (Pillar 3). Specifically, she will provide biostatistical expertise and supervision in the design and execution of studies that arise from network data collection.