Anne Vibien Bio

Anne Vibien



Dr. Anne Vibien is an Infectious Diseases Specialist and Medical Microbiologist in St-Hyacinthe, Québec. She is the Chief of Infectious Diseases at CISSS-ME (Integrated Health and Social Services Center-de la Montérégie-Est).  Montérégie is highly prevalent for locally acquired Lyme disease, and as such, Dr. Vibien has been treating and following patients for a number of years. She has been working on zoonosis projects in collaboration with public health and the Institut National de Santé Publique de Québec (INSPQ). She also participated in a research project aimed at documenting the knowledge and training needs of Québec physicians and contributed to the elaboration of self-training modules intended for the province’s doctors and health care personnel (“The emerging challenge of Lyme disease”).


Dr. Vibien is a Co-Applicant on the grant. She will be involved in the building of a local biobank and cohort in Eastern Townships, Québec. She will provide an on the ground perspective and will also offer the research team access to patient cohorts and their clinical file reviews while preserving confidentiality.